Monday, March 15, 2010

I'm Back

All right, so, after a long time of no blogging...I'm back! I have been following some other blogs and realizing how many funny things I could be documenting that happen that I never seem to get written anywhere. I have always said I was going to start a notebook of all the hilarious things Kale has said and I never do... I will attempt it here. We'll see how it goes.

We have a new addition! Ava Grace was born February 22nd. A big girl 9lbs 9oz and 21 inches long. Of course, she is perfect and Kale says we can keep her.

Ava hadn't gained much weight back (after getting down to 8.14 when we left the hospital) so we went in again today for another weight check. I had been getting a little frazzled with the little weight gain since Kale porked on the pounds with no effort when he was a baby and for god's sake the dairy has been open 24/7 since she was born.... But good news, she is up to 10.5! Hopefully she keeps putting it on and then has her daddy's metabolism come the teenage years :). We can't keep her snot nosed brother away from her... he loves her so much and smothers her with kisses. We are just praying the first cold doesn't hit for at least a month. By that time we are hoping that the 4 month long cold Kale has had subsides. Luckily, there are signs of spring!!

Kale has adjusted like a champ. No real issues. All except for the strange behavior of becoming very possessive of EVERYTHING not just Ava, but literally EVERYTHING that is in our house including the garbage..yes, you read that right, the garbage. He LOVES the garbage man but has recently decided that it is not okay for him to take our "big pile of garbage" only the neighbors. He has shed tears over our garbage being placed on the curb.. I have read nothing of this sort in how to raise your child and wondering what I have done wrong..LOL seriously kid! He also has become paranoid of strangers gawking over Ava for fear they are going to take her home when she is "our baby". I guess we could have the opposite problem and he could be asking for them to take her. We are also looking forward to the snow boots being retired. It has been a long winter and Kale has worn those darn boots everywhere for the past 4 months. My parents had to tell him a little fib and said that boots weren't allowed in the hospital when he came to meet his sister for the first time. My nephew Jake gets most of Kale's hand me downs but I don't think the snow boots will survive to be handed down. The sad thing is he has FAR more pairs of shoes than I do and all he ever wears are those boots..

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Love the Kale stories!

Keep up on your blog.. you will treasure it down the road.


Take care!