Saturday, March 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Joe!

Joe turned 29 yesterday! To celebrate we got Dairy Queen ice cream cake! Yummy!

When I showed Kale the new Iowa State Jacket we got Dad he said, "I like it!" and then minutes later he said, "What kind of toy is he going to get?" I made the mistake of asking, "What kind of toy do you want to get him?" Without missing a beat he was insisting on getting him a "John Deere cop car"... we went to two stores before he believed me that they don't make John Deere cop cars. He settled on getting him and semi with car transporter that he was sure Dad would like. As we were driving home with the present he said, "I hope Dad is a good sharer!"

We had our first little "situation" with Kale trying to pick up Ava unassisted. I was in the kitchen and Joe was on the computer. Luckily Kale was sitting next to Ava on the floor and the next thing I knew he was holding her. I sucked air and ran over. All the commotion scared Kale and he started crying. Nothing phased Ava. Here is the picture after the lecture of how we don't hold Ava without Mom and Dad's help. Notice the big alligator tear! Hopefully this will be the last time that least until she can support her own little head. She is going to be a tough little girl!

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