Saturday, September 4, 2010


School has started again and we all have had to adjust. Kale is back to full time, Ava is going part time to a lady in our neighborhood and stays with Joe the other part of the day, I am back at school, and Joe is having to Juggle some unusual sleep patterns. Hopefully we will all get used to this!

Ava has two now little friends to play with in the afternoon at her sitters. Mya and Olivia are twins that are just a couple of week older than her. Terry is our sitter and she does a wonderful job taking care of our little girl while we are away. The babies seem to entertain each other!

Kale moved up to the "Pre- K 1" Room. He has had to make some adjustments (as have we) but things seem to be in full swing now. Kale can be a follower so we have been talking a lot at home about how to help his friends make better choices instead of doing the not so good choices right along with them. I have been leaving him in the morning (and I have been telling Dad this too) Remember who you are, Remember where you come from and lead by example.. Long story short, not knowing that he was actually understanding that inspirational quote, his teacher commented on his great day and how he made good choices even when his friends did not. We totally talked it up and Kale said proudly,"Lead by sample!" :) Way to go buddy!

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