Thursday, July 1, 2010


Here is Ava getting her first taste of cereal. She did great and seemed to enjoy every bite!...and please please please let it help her sleep better :)!

Kale had his first big screen movie experience. Toy Story 3.... he did as well as could be expected with his attention span. There were other kids much younger than him that did MUCH better attending to the movie. He loves Buzz and Woody but he is just not much of a movie watcher but he still LOVED going (mostly for the popcorn and pop). He thought it was a little loud but was quite pleased with the resourceful earplugs I made him out of a napkin.... that was probably the highlight of the whole thing. LOL! We will probably wait awhile to go to another movie but still --it was fun and at least we didn't have to leave early :) !

I am not sure how I feel about it already being July. The summer has just begun and before I know it it will be over! We have hit the public pool a couple of times which is always an experience. All walks of life flock there don't they?!? From women swimming fully clothed like its normal, to a woman swimming is a white cami with nothing underneath..really??? heellloooo we can see right through it... to kale commenting at a poor woman who clearly should not be in a bathing suit "Why is she SO BIG!" to make matters more embarrassing she was standing RIGHT next to us...ugh.

Kale did a great job at Travis' wedding as the ring bearer. It took a few bribes to smile during pictures but other than that he marched right down that aisle looking so handsome in his tux. Ava on the other hand...... she was looking so adorable of course but was LESS THAN THRILLED to be there. I don't know if it was the dress, the people, the headband, the commotion, but whatever it was she was IRATE!! ;) poor thing! She didn't make it a minute into the ceremony and had to be removed. oh Ava.

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