Saturday, October 2, 2010


Kale can't get enough! Going on about 20 hours in the combine this weekend (and still going!) Kale spent ALL day friday in the combine. Nana and Papa thought maybe he would be ready for a break and went in to Everly to enjoy the park. Yes, he enjoyed it but was absolutely appalled at the thought a being done for the night! The big alligator tears and the repeated "I want to work with my papa...sniff sniff.. I want to be a worker guy with papa.." tugged at Nana enough she took him right back out there. He was thrilled to combine in the dark. I finally bribed him to come in the house around 8:00 but it wasn't easy!

Driving the new combine!

Grain cart with Dad! (that is Joe's John Deere hat from when he was a little boy!)

Lunch in the field! Ava's even trying to get a bite too!

Ava officially can wave bye bye! I thought she could last week but Joe thought I was crazy.. but others have witnessed it! She can and it is SOOO CUTE!!!!

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