Wednesday, May 19, 2010

On the verge of healthiness...

Just when I think we are all healthy, someone has a snot issue. BUT for the most part I think we are back to normal. Ava is back to sleeping better (although it could be better ;) ) and Kale's cough seems to have subsided. Maybe I better not put that in writing for fear tomorrow morning he will wake up with a cough.

We ventured North this past weekend to visit the grandparents. It was Jake's 2nd birthday and Clare's Highschool Graduation. Both were good. Kale had a major pep talk about how to act at birthday parties. The kid remembered from a YEAR ago that he helped Jake open his presents. Well, this year, since Jake is fully capable Kale was forced by his mother (although Jake kept saying "open it Kale") to sit back and watch. He did for the most part and watched with nervous laughter as Jake discovered what was in those mysterious packages. BUT There was no holding him back when Jake opened up a box FULL of little diggers and trucks! Kale was so excited about it. We gave jake a lawn mower and the boys mowed and mowed many laps around the "loop" at Nana and Papa's house. Loud but it occupied!

Papa had Kale in training this time...picking up rock. He had fun for awhile but then he got smart and told Papa "that one is yours" and didn't get off the four wheeler. Oh the memories.

Ava has been smiling and jabbering up a storm.

She is growing like a weed and even rolled over for the first time today! Her big bro was her biggest cheerleader and he thinks "tomorrow she will probably learn to walk." Sadly, it will seem like time went that quickly when she does learn to walk so lets not rush things!

Kale continues to be a little sponge and is so curious about everything! I really do love it but on about the 182nd question about how a cylinder works in a tractor (which i have no idea) I have to regroup every ounce of patience I have. He loves to read and is thrilled he can "read" the word GO in his Llama Llama Mad at Mama book (It is enlarged print and bolded I love the enthusiasm and hope his zest for life follows him for many many MANY years!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I'd be saying "that one is yours" too!! Smart kid.

Glad you are all starting to feel better!