We had the help of Nolan and Clare, Dorothy, and my parents to stay with the kids while Joe was at work. I LOVED hearing the funny stories of what Kale had to say. Missed those funny conversations while I was gone. Deb, Jerry, Katie and Landyn came down to spend the weekend with Joe and the kids. Ava had yet another ear infection just before I left so I was feeling bad that Joe might be up a lot with her. Turns out she slept 7-7 most every night I was gone! Turkey, she usually sleeps 7-5 enjoys some milk then goes back to bed until 7. How nice of her not to make daddy get up at 5! Thanks to everyone who helped us out!
Kale had basketball on Sunday. His first big game. It had been just clinic up until now. Let's just say he choked! I have a feeling we have a perfectionist on our hands. He wasn't into the warm ups off the bat and then when he got going in the game he missed a shot, got embarrassed, and was done! *sigh* Oh well, the competitive side of me wants to kick and scream but he's only 4 so deep breath Brook...let it go.
Ava turned 11 Months! Tried to get a picture of her...this is about how it went!
She can take two little steps by herself
Cruises around all furniture
Climbs on top of ANYTHING possible
TWO bottom teeth
We think she might be saying Drake...confirmation on that yet to come. Joe thought I was crazy to even think she might be saying that but he too witnessed her petting him and saying what could be interpreted as "Drake" hmmmm?
Starting to trade the bottle for a sippy, so far, so good!