Joe has been instructing at a "character camp" the past couple weeks and will be doing that for the month of June. Its basically a bootcamp for highschool aged kids. So, his hours have been great-- normal :)--so we've gotten to have him home at bedtime!
Kale has been LOVING playing with the neighbors now that the "sun is hot" as he says. He has been spending hours in the backyard digging in the sandbox, putting bugs in his bugbarn that he got as a big brother gift, and of course the sprinkler. I am thinking we may need to invest in a more child friendly sprinkler since he has bruises on his legs from where the metal parts spin around at a high rate of speed and whack in him the shins. He doesn't seem to mind though and I figure if there is no blood or tears it can't be that bad :)!
Here he is with our CUTE neighbor girls! You can feel the heightened activity level just by looking at the picture :)!
Ava Grace is changing everyday. She is such a happy girl (although we brought her to a potluck for Joe's work and she screamed the whole time....since she doesn't cry very often I don't really have any tricks to soothe her. A random lady there must of felt sorry for me and offered to give it a shot. I was so embarrassed! Turns out, she just didn't want to be held anymore in that hot room. We put her in her carseat and she turned off the tears immediately..lil turkey). She now is enjoying being on her tummy since she is strong enough to hold her head and chest off the ground to look around. She attempts to reach for the toys on her exersaucer and is sometime successful at grabbing those quick little buggers (they don't move unless she touchs them but still,its tricky. lol). She LOVES to watch her big brother and the wilder and crazier he is the more fun he is to watch. Of course, Kale eats it up and loves being the center of her attention. Tonight he had her giggling for the first time. The deep belly laugh that you can't help but to laugh yourself. :) Love it.
We made the first trip to the swimming pool this summer. Kale of course was everywhere and smiled the WHOLE time. Until we had to leave of course. What made it even better for him was our neighbors went too. Maylee and Kale are two peas in a pod. Here the little fish are in their swimsuits before we left. Isn't Ava's suit Adorable!! (thanks Jane and Clare :))
Kale also got to take Ava on her first trip to the zoo.
First Smores of the season!
There is lots of fun to be had this summer!--- Hopefully the mosquitos tame down a bit or kale will be swollen all summer.... he looks like he got hit in the head with something right now.... a big ol goose egg?? nope just a bug bite..ugh!